Pearwise: Made just for you.
PEARwise is PEARsonal.
Let Pearwise find the right tutor for you or your child. Our small company offers private tutoring in SAT, ACT, LSAT, and GRE prep; general reading, writing, and math; history, physics, and chemistry; college essays, and more. Based in Nashville, TN, our tutors can teach from the convenience of your home, online or in-person.
We strive to provide rigorous, personalized instruction in an environment where students feel respected, challenged, and excited to learn. Our private tutors aim to help students tap into the power of education: what do they want to experience, understand, and create, and how can we use our expertise to support their goals?
Who puts the "PAIR" in Pearwise?
[Kevin is] skilled at teaching complex concepts in simple, easy-to-grasp ways.
[Sage] was professional, dedicated, and patient and approaches each student as an individual.
Our small company is comprised of two, dedicated tutors: Kevin Pereira (“Pereira” means pear tree) and Sage Snider (“Sage” means wise). Sage—a Yale and Brown University trained historian—focuses on the humanities, while Kevin—a biochemist at Vanderbilt University—teaches math and science. Together, we coordinate learning plans while ensuring expert advice.
How are we different? TransPEARancy.
We’re not only experts in content and delivery, but we use prep time to fully customize our lessons to meet your learning style and academic goals.
We believe you should get what you pay for, so we don’t hire contractors. Since we use only top-quality tutors, you’ll know credentials before hiring.
We’re a one-stop shop, so you can use the same tutoring company and online platform for all your communication and content needs.
We can teach last-minute at 7am, meet weekly at 11pm, or plan months ahead. We know you’re busy, so we schedule around you.
What do we offer? ApPEARantly a lot.
We teach the basics…
We teach the experts…
And we teach so much more…